Thursday, 11 February 2021

Promo vid review: Zoom


 This is the final video to look at. Now the client behind my project asked for family and connection and what better choice for examination than one of the leading platforms that allows families to stay connected to this day all across the world.
Now this video is shorter than the others so you'd think that the point couldn't be enough time for it to get the message across about what it's meant for right? Wrong, the message of connection is still made and its importance in making sure that people can still connect without needing three minutes or large numbers of people.
When looking at this video we can see that it's played in a major business angle but has familial undertones to the general message behind it, the video wants to show that it can keep people connected and that it's almost like having them in the room together. Which is part of the main message of the video itself which is that you can stay connected no matter where you are.
There's very little like interaction for family promotion or for anything outside of a business setting but this still works well as a compelling promotion video as it makes you understand, using language like "Coming together", "Face to face" and "Feels like your in the same room" promotes the unity and connection feel and helps us really understand that there's more than one one way to see one another and that we can do so through the use of the app, but even though they've used a lot of language that applies to businesses more than say a family group their word choice can still appeal and is actually good through the demonstration of how it works and shows as a two pronged work around by having an office use it then get it around through word of mouth.

Well hopefully this has shown you that even an ad can be short there's still a strong overarching message that can be gotten across to the audience.

Have a good day!

Promo Vid Breakdown-Ancestry


 This time around we're going to look at something different. Ancestry is a large and well known organization that's used to find your family genetics and maybe discover something about yourself that you never knew before and this promotional video is no different in getting that message across to the viewer, but through the familiarity of faces that we've seen throughout media.
Now this video has a different message to the Facebook one as the main goal behind this is to promote the discovery of the familiar but unknown behind who you are as a person.
In the first few seconds of the clip we can see that there's quite a professional set up in the filming of this video with the equipment that's shown, which tells us that this is going to be a higher end of quality make and that the content will have a better appeal as they'll be more likely to use more money on better equipment or personnel.
In terms of content they help to build up that sense of discovery inside of us by revealing the results for those who participated slowly nd then create empathy by fully showing their reactions to that's been learned about themselves. It helps us to understand the impact of finding out about who we are that drives the main purpose of the promo video which is to sell you your own history in order to find out where you came from.
As I mentioned earlier they use the familiarity of celebrities who we've grown used to but try to promote it in a different way offering the chance for us to see something about them that they even didn't know and experience their reactions along with them . Having these reactions alongside these people help to promote the thought of "Hey, they discovered X about themselves and it made them ecstatic or able to connect deeper with their family maybe I should try it." making them want to use the product.

Hopefully this has given you an idea behind the messages and design of a promo video that revolves around connecting to the past.

Have a good day!

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Promo Video analysis-Facebook


 So for my next project I've been tasked to create a promotional video, to do that we need to cover a lot of ground but once the basic idea and concept is down we need to examine codes and conventions used by other organisations so that we can then adapt ours to make it stand out.
Lets get started with this video, Facebook uses the music to generate meaning and some context alongside the images it displays. We actually end up hearing more than we see in this video as the music provides emphasis on the emotional impact of what we're seeing and through having the images of emptiness and then showing the amount of people with relief through using the Facebook app makes feel empathetic in a similar way that families are getting to see each other.

It gives the viewer a point of resting in their minds, that through the app they can stay connected together as a family and that they can see each other regardless of whether or not it's physically. Regardless of whether or not it's included within this video we know that this is a primary use of messaging between people, but showing these clips irrespective of the messaging service that it can provide demonstrates that the company follows the trends of their consumers needs.
The idea of a promotional video is to promote a certain feature product or design (new or updated features) making sure to hit certain targets like key age demographics and within this video we see a large portion of different age groups featuring attractions of these age groups to make sure that they hit the targets set.

However there is a general ruling when it comes to video making in that when it comes to the edit in that the general first three are the ones to follow. They are Emotion, Rhythm, and Story and in actual fact the video follows this quite strongly, in the first section we hear that the music is quite sad and slower and the rhythm keeps a slower pace until it reaches the main portion of the content which is how it brings people together then sound and pace pick up and allow for the flow to remain the same but more content to be included to push the message further.

Hopefully this has given you an small inside view of how a promo video for a service like Facebook creates interest in their product.

Have a Great Day!

Practical Skills Evaluation

 The Final Practical and Professional skills I've covered but it's time to see how well I covered them. Looking at camera and lighti...